We invite you to register to join us at 2025 Capitol Day 2.0, our rescheduled event now set forWEDNESDAY, APRIL 2.You and your family will experience an entertaining, educational, and impactful day.Online advance registration is open through March 30th.
Provides individual or family participation in designated Capitol Day event activities and access to signup for guided tours of the Capitol building.
Use this easy interactive map to find your Iowa Senate & House Districts.
STEP #1Click on this secure link:IOWA LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT FINDER. Type your addressand note the results.
STEP #2Return to this registration form.Type in the Iowa District #'s and legislator names in the field boxes below. Senate districts are RED. House districts are BLUE.
NOTE:You are not required to complete this section,but this really is a simple process, and it will greatly help both you & us!
If you'd like to see information about guided Capitol tours,click the check box below.
Did you know even this simple registration has a cost?
Your generous donationshelp us cover the many Homeschool Iowa Capitol Day expenses.
If you'd rather donate offline, you can mail a check to Homeschool Iowa, PO Box 158, Dexter, IA 50070.
Thank you for helping us!