We are excited to have you join us for Leader2Leader.
You'll experience a full day of connection and collaboration
with other homeschool leaders from all across Iowa.

OUR 2025 Leader2Leader Theme:

Growing & Expanding
Your Group, Co-op, or Hybrid
Through Community Connections

Registration Deadline: 
Midnight, March 17

  • Includes one admission to all event programming and a midday Saturday lunch

  • Includes two admissions to all event programming and two midday Saturday lunches

Help us to stay connected with you!
The personal information supplied here is for
Homeschool Iowa communication with you only.

Provide below the information about the group you represent.


Homeschool Iowa provides support group referrals to inquirers identifying themselves as prospective or current homeschoolers. We limit group referrals to the specific geographical area in which the inquirer resides, and we only provide contact information that groups have authorized us to provide. 

Lunch will be catered by Chipolte
and is included in your registration (if desired).
Please help us plan for meal ordering
by registering for the lunch(es) you want.
Gluten-free options will be available.

Enter your payment below
and click "Submit"
to finalize your registration. 


Please Note: Due to fixed costs and the already deeply discounted fee we're offering for this event, registration cancellations will not be available. We are happy to provide you with a donation receipt for the amount of your retreat registration fee if you need to cancel your reservation. Thank you!

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software