We offer many opportunities for homeschool-related businesses,curriculum providers, colleges,and Iowa venuesto connect with the Iowa homeschool community.
These include:• Year-round advertising via our email & Facebook• Event-related advertising with:- Homeschool Iowa Capitol Day in February or March- Homeschool Iowa Graduation in May- Homeschool Iowa Conference in June(the largest gathering of homeschoolers in Iowa)
Stand out and be noticed! Drive traffic to your website or Facebook page. Promote a special offer. Our e-blast ads are sent to about 8,000 households on our carefully maintained mailing list.Open rates for e-blast ads are ~15-30%, depending upon content.
FEATURE AD: Your ad placed in an e-blast containing ONLY your ad
FEATURE AD DETAILS: JPG, PNG, or PDF image 800 pixels wide with no restriction on height OR 800x800 pixel image and up to 300 words of text • Provide a subject line and hyperlink URL
EVENT PROMOTION INTERIOR AD: Your ad placed WITHIN an event promotion e-blast
EVENT PROMOTION INTERIOR AD DETAILS: JPG, PNG, or PDF 800x600 pixel image • Provide a hyperlink URL
If you want multiple e-blast ads, click the ADD button multiple times.
E-BLAST AD SUBMISSION DEADLINES: One week before publication dateSEND AD(S) & ANY REQUESTED AD-RUN DATES TO: [email protected]
Feature E-Blast Ad
Click on the "ADD" button below to select the number of feature e-blast ads you want to purchase.
Event Promotion Interior Ad
Click on the "ADD" button below to select the number of event promotion interior e-blast ads you want to purchase.
Reach our most highly engaged audience! Our exclusive Member Updates deliver news, events calendars, and other compelling content to over 800 families who have purchased Homeschool Iowa memberships. Member Update ads are placed within the email content.
AD DETAILS: JPG, PNG, or PDF image up to 800 x 800 pixels • Provide hyperlink URL
If you want multiple Member Update ads, click the ADD button multiple times.
AD SUBMISSION DEADLINES: One week before publication dateSEND AD(S) & ANY REQUESTED AD-RUN DATES TO: [email protected]
Member Update Interior Ad
Click on the "ADD" button below to select the number of Member Update ads you want to purchase.
Our Homeschool Iowa Facebook page with over 10,000 followers offers a highly effective platform to help you reach Iowa homeschooling families.
AD DETAILS: JPG, PNG, or PDF image • Recommend size: 1200 x 630 pixels • Provide hyperlink URL & desired text
If you want multiple Facebook ads, click the ADD button multiple times.
Facebook Ad
Click on the "ADD" button below to select the number of Facebook ads you want to purchase.
Put information about your product or service directly into the hands of Iowa homeschooling families at our Homeschool Iowa events. We have well over 1000 attendees at our Homeschool Iowa Conferences and about 75 graduates and their families attend our Homeschool Iowa Graduations.
EVENT PROGRAM AD: Your ad placed in the print program distributed to event attendees
AD DETAILS: B&W JPG, PNG, or PDF image (300dpi)AD SUBMISSION DEADLINE: One month before event dateSEND AD TO: [email protected]
EVENT BAG INSERT: Your flyer or catalog placed in event attendee handout bags
INSERT DETAILS: Flyer or catalog, supplied by youAD SUBMISSION DEADLINE: One month before event dateSHIP INSERT ITEMS TO: Mailing address supplied to you after purchase
EVENT PROJECTED AD: Your ad projected in event slideshow in keynote room
AD DETAILS: Color JPG, PNG, or PDF image (1600 x 900 px) AD SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Two weeks before event dateSEND AD TO: [email protected]
Conference Program Ad
Use the pull down options to select your ad size and click "ADD"
Conference Attendee Bag Insert
Use the pull down options to select your insert type and click "ADD"
Conference Projected Ad
Graphic ad projected in Conference pre-keynote slideshow
Graduation Program Ad
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONSPlease provide any details we need to knowabout your advertising purchase.
Want information on Homeschool Iowa Conference sponsorship or exhibit opportunities?