
1:15pm - 1:30pmDoors Open

Get checked in and find a seat.

1:30pm - 1:45apmIntroduction

Meet your Local Connect hosts.

1:45am - 2:30pmKeynote Session

Homeschool Iowa Executive Director, Aaron Neely, will discuss the vital topic, "What Is Your 'Why?" for homeschooling?

2:30pm - 2:45pmBreak

Enjoy refreshments and mingle time.

2:45pm - 3:15pmSpeed Mentoring

Gain information and encouragement in this quick-paced interactive session.

3:15pm - 4:00pmBreak-Out Sessions

Choose from:
- Homeschooling 101
- Homeschooling High School
- Homeschool Co-ops


Aaron Neely Homeschool Iowa Executive Director

Aaron will be presenting the keynote session and the break-out session on Homeschool Co-ops.

Kathy Wacker Homeschool Iowa Regional Representative & FOCUS Board Member

Kathy will be presenting the break-out session on starting homeschooling: Homeschooling 101.

Diana Plorins Homeschool Iowa Regional Representative

Diana will be presenting the break-out session on homeschooling the high school years.


Submitting this form registers you for Local Connect.

Break-Out Sessions

Each registrant will be able to attend only ONE of these sessions. 

Registrant Info

RegFox Event Registration Software